No Rent Noise Hotline
10.5.15 by Mike Haley

no rent noise hotline

Any schmuck with a decent Wifi signal can set up a Bandcamp or Soundcloud page for their label. But it takes a special kind of schmuck, one with gumption, to set up a hotline that can be called to stream upcoming releases. Introducing the No Rent Noise Hotline. What is the No Rent Noise Hotline you ask? It’s a toll-free number where one can check out mega lo-fi samples of upcoming NOISE from Jason Crumer’s resurrected No Rent imprint. Much like the They Might Be Giants Dial-A-Song hotline or the DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince rap hotline of years past, you only need to dial the number, followed by the extension, and BAM. You’re streaming the way our ancestors used to do it, before HTML was discovered.

The number?

(641) 715-3900, extension 590622#

Currently on the hotline is side A of an upcoming Shredded Nerve cassette. What’s next? Who knows. No Rent has tapes by Damion Romero, Dromez, Sapphogeist, Reverse Baptism, and others on deck, so maybe one of those. Check out the Now Playing page and call, call, CALL!

No Rent discogaphy