Scope Some Gnarly Tape Loops Coming To Smeltkop
12.15.13 by Mike Haley


The 10th release from the Belgian-based label Smeltkop will be a C20 from tape manipulator Pauwel De Buck. I haven’t heard anything about this guy before, but Smeltkop said that he made “apocalyptic compositions with ruined tape machines”, so I checked out the sample from his upcoming tape they posted. It’s a brief 2 minutes and 22 seconds, but is a crunchy, garbled, Dilloway-esque mound of sound. Chewy audio recorded onto 4-tracks then rendered into a beautiful mess. The cassette will be called “Tape Your Skin”. Look for it early next year in a less-than-100 edition.

If you haven’t been introduced to Smeltkop yet, you’re really missing out. I highly advise tracking down a copy of the DSR Lines cassette they released a few months back. It looks and sounds gorgeous.