Fuck You (Not YOU, Someone Else)
12.17.13 by Mike Haley

fuck you

If you don’t know that one person who can’t help but be an extreme shit bucket in every situation then you are that person. This is true because they are EVERYWHERE. They span culture, religion, time, and space. They come in all shapes and sizes. There’s the dude with a pun on his shirt about nuts or balls who somehow parked in FOUR handicapped parking spaces. There’s the uncle who literally knows everything. Pop culture, science, history, Ayn Rand (LOTS of Ayn Rand) but somehow get’s tricked by The Onion 2 – 3 times a month. And there’s the imaginary rock star. Portland’s Supersun, who describes themselves as a “music omnibus operated by Alex Reed Wilson” crossed paths with such a character last December. They aren’t naming names (boring, but classy), but say a member of a mystery band they played a show with acted like “a total dickbag to myself, the sound guy, and pretty much everybody that was around.” When the gig was over Supersun was given a tape by the band. And that is where “Fuck You” comes from.

“Needless to say the tape was no good, and rather than hold on to an object of which I have nothing but acrimonious things to write about it, I’ve decided to record and release an EP onto the tape. This thing comes in a limited edition of one, that specific tape that I have recorded “Fuck You” over. It’s 4 songs on two sides, all songs with similar compositional shape, two lyric and two instrumental.”

Yes, the tape is limited to ONE copy. And at the time I’m typing this, still available for $5.00 sold out.

Just for the record, I think it was Danzig. Prove me wrong, kids. Prove me wrong.
