Venn Rain “New Found” Video
1.11.14 by Mike Haley


Jimmy Billingham has been serving up pensive drone-scapes for about three years now under the moniker Venn Rain. His long distance lushness has been released by labels like Tranquility Tapes (“Place In World” C40, 2011), Different Lands (“Entropics” C36, 2012), and Sunk Series (4-way 2xC36 w/ Digital Natives, Journey Of Mind, & Xiphiidae, 2013) to name a few. Next up is a cassette on Sacred Phrases called “Questing“, a C26 to be released mid-month in an edition of 100 pro-dubbed copies.


The fine folks at Moduli TV made a video for part of one of the tracks, New Found. It’s four and a half minutes of a hazy petri dish of washed out colors, casually morphing and swaying. A perfect partner for Billingham’s wavering sound. Give it a watch, and keep your eyes on Sacred Phrases for “Questing“.