Episode 204 / Top 200 Tapes of 2024


Four years into “helping” Tabs Out, I basically went on sabbatical by early January. There’s a combination of factors, mostly school (that which I did graduate and immediately take a full time job that will make future coverage infrequent at best), that really uprooted and took away the passion for tape blogging with depth and whimsy I could really afford. Still, 2024 was probably the most I felt I was actively collecting new releases I was keen on and knew would make for great additions to my library. In that alone, I feel like I kept some semblance of my nose to the brimstone and that this list had something of merit.

And when I did write, it was because the tapes were just that good and I needed to pen a message in a bottle to someone somewhere knowing they were on one. Hopefully 2025 keeps kicking that up, and my plan for an eventual “Top 136 of the Decade So Far” will take off. Until then, I’m going to let the podcast + the list (with a handful of write-ups) take priority.

1​ More Eaze – Lacuna and Parlor (Mondoj)

There are 2 titles in the top 10 this year that to me, set new benchmarks for in a modern, omnibus Americana sound. One that’s been percolating the entire time I’ve been paying attention to tape music, but continually feels more like transmissions between great artists and scenes who just adore each other and are growing together; it’s a sound that gives me hope and seems predestined to continually evolve even in a time where major outposts like Full Spectrum and Never Anything are clocking out and moving on & European tape labels seem to be the bastions for new weird regional sounds, while also doing dutiful documentation of these domestic occurrences.

All of Mari’s music as More Eaze across the 2020s has had an incredible heart and limitless direction; so punchdrunk and inviting, carrying itself assuredly across her many projects. lacuna and parlor is no exception and quite possibly the best introduction to More Eaze as an artist, as well as why ferric remains supreme for the underground sounds of 2024 and beyond.

It is the umpteenth More Eaze album and her umpteenth appearance on the list. Fortunately, Mari briefly hopped on to tell us how the album came out of “The More Eaze method”, which is just a fancy way of saying that one life move to a big city opened a huge network of chances to collaborate (Eisenberg! Tomberlin! Zanca! just to name a few) and make chamber music in a style she’d been teasing for awhile; from 2024’s Paris Paris, Texas Texas to 2022’s Strawberry Season for Leaving, you’ve seen breadcrumbs of this, but never a full blown manipulation of tonal music theory into her own blissed out picnic. The changes are slight yet deep, a treat for the audiophile and patient ear.

lacuna and parlor anchor itself with a peak early on, “blanking intervals'” 19 minutes of minutes of pedal steel minimalism and soft Auto-Tune cooing, amongst Eisenberg’s guitar bringing blazing chaos and calamity. Yet this never once losing control or envelopes the recording whole. Meanwhile the b-side with pieces like “materials for memory”, “chords, room, solo”, and “a(nother) cadence”, sonically also spread out over a room, re-orienting ideas of classical tradition and sonically fluid meshes in ways similar to 75 Dollar Bill.

Of course, that kind of knack may be More Eaze’s leveraging emo-ambient to its fullest potential, expanding those bounds to this palette (and in 2025 she may just do it again with the grandfather of emo-ambient himself). If it is, then that explains how lacuna and parlor presents a fresh take on a tonal optimism last seen somewhere in turn of the century “post-rock”. A lost link between Gastr and Christina Vantzou; the dream of the ECM New Series but for artists who studied the Tomlab 00s roster and field recording microphones, perhaps. One that also puts Mari Rubio in the vanguard of Great American Mavericks (and friends to Cassette Enthusiasts).

2–__ – Night of Fire (Orange Milk)

This was not supposed to be here. B2B mari?! Well, Orange Milk put the tape up in a limited edition of 15. So you can buy one of the most fearless Orange Milk universe posse projects going . No, we don’t know how to say the name. All we know is that if you put that name in Contra you get 30 lives.

3 Phil Geraldi – AM/FM USA (Not Not Fun)

Phil Geraldi’s AM/FM USA was MY album of the year proper and I had that sorted by like January 3rd or 5th of 2024; this was probably why I couldn’t write all year really, like Phil just made the thing I was waiting for! This is the other Best Americana recording of the year, eschewing collaboration or the jubilant warmth of lacuna and parlor for a sort of Americana based on modern pop country inversions mixed with James Ferraro crossed with the landmark Chill Out (see also no. 143 on the list for a TERRIFIC KLF tribute), just without all those pesky rights issues! It still feels ancient and alien as much as an old friend.

The tape is at its core, a 40 minute ambient bro country pedal steel sketch tape. Phil used software to get the sounds and played around with it for a while, before then tying it to radio feedback and debris that could make two seamless suites of endless highway driving sonic roadmapping n’ “truck stop concrete”. Few tapes and few artists in this omnibus Americana have used radio in a way as necessary and engaging here (Lia Kohl & the Bridgette Bardon’t alias still come to mind as other worthy examples). The result is that AM/FM USA sounds like Nebraska from the perspective of the cars over the drivers caught in the cold behemoths. It chases for things that are cyclical and never going to get to, always to fall out of site beyond the horizon line. It channels the sublime and chases its love.

4 Yellow Swans – Out Of Practice I + II (Collective Jyrk)

Yellow Swans continue a period of being “not quite dormant” with another 2 tapes collecting 2023 reunion live material. And can you believe it? They rock. We prefer I to II, but you gotta take them as a whole.

5 Ursula’s Cartridges – Molten Glass Soup 5000 (Ingrown)

Tabs Out East Coast HQ favorite! Ingrown’s been on a hot streak after taking a hiatus and the Urusula’s Cartridges is amongst the best tapes in the label’s history. The hyper-octane energy is a concise BOLT to the system. It’ll snap an unsuspecting spine in two and cure any aural migraines you may have.

6 Low End Activist – Airdrop (Peak Oil)

This was a serendipitous match with my “rave/techno” tape blind listening at that late winter moment. Really loved the deconstruction here not feeling lethargic; just sleek even down to the atmosphere. Especially across headphone listening in pitch black. There’s a cohesion to the AIrdrops and the sonic roadmap our gent here Low End Activist takes us through. Just check in with Aidrops 3 +4, the first cuts which really foregoes dank atmosphere for potent breakbeats. Amongst the most sinister slinking around. A different kind of braindance than I usually turn to, but welcome.

7 Partly Zombish- August Cake and the Clicky Keyboards (Falt)

This is the one tape deserved a Ryan Masteller style tribute. These acoustic musique conrete serious leisure aficionados did something that doesn’t always get documented on tape, and happened to cross with Falt. That label really had something going for it across 2024. At least that was what some advice by Dr. Peter Woods, PhD and advisory, who called it when he heard it: This might be one of the weirder zones this year.

It is really one about using some keyboards to play with some files. Something happens in it here. They say a few good zingers. But the clicky factor…oh MAN is it here. What was being advertised was delivered. Yeah call it weird, but us 101 notes on jazz or Nina Guo enthusiasts know this kind of vibe well.

8 Scott Scholz – Figure and Ground (Already Dead)

Tymbal Tapes and Scott Scholz have once again been firing off a new round of heaters in 2023 and 2024. For Scholz, it has made for personal, introspective music that sees one leg firmly in an ancient past thinking of cyclical happenings (see his 2023 CD on No Part of It that looks at plagues) and another rooted here in the present in recovery from an inner ear disorder called semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome. Scholz sought to create music that “emulates states of vertigo and dizziness through sound. Most immediately, they are symbolic of the thin veil that separates our normal perceptions of reality from distortions that can make it hard to do anything,”.

This resulted in Figure and Ground, an instrumental, hazy set of riffs-orineted pieces that share a semblance to the work of Shells up in Michigan; if you like pretty guitar riff music that’s not takoma school, take a shot! It also does though, just happen to lock into that wooziness, the lack of an immediate balance or anchor, that is both quite introspective & otherworldly. Tymbal Tapes carried a strong, pulp-dada character in its best releases and Figure and Ground‘s several dirges reinforce a dissociative, out-of-body character that you learn to lean into and arrive at a balance within.

9 CCL – A Night in the Skull Discotheque (T4TLUVNRG)

Excellent mix from a force within the ever brilliant T4TLUVNRG. CCL had one mission: trace dubstep’s origins up to 2000 across a many extraneous techno and two-step avenues. And holy shit does this think cook the second you snap a bowl. Just like with Low End Activist above, A Night in the Skull Discotheque carried with it a commentary on electronic listening music that 2024 seemed to be a primo year for. I mean, the Warp AI class were all kinda off on new adventures showing advancements or commentaries, but even pieces like The Black Ark & ANITSD made it clear that in digging for the forerunners, you’d find an organic, illuminating character to this era of music

10 DJ Anderson Do Paraíso – Paraiso Sombrio (Nyege Nyege Tapes)

Nyege Nyege Tapes is quite frankly a better vinyl label than tape label at the moment. That’s not a knock against the tapes that happened to make the back of this list (and had amongst the best cover art & packaging afforded by a label in 2024), but the label’s turn towards vinyl big game hunting over the ferric was frustrating to say the least, especially as the label’s curation becomes a bit more omnibus. But then they made up for it with DJ Anderson Do Paraíso’s second release of the year, a swift EP that revels in another side of current generation Brazilian Baile Funk. This is not the hard hitting ferric anachronism that last year’s DJ K afforded, but a moody atmospheric tape that in a better world, would be on the ECM New Series and take front billing at Big Ears with Vijay Iyer on stage just there to nod politely because he’s into the beats and gets it (god I hope he does).

I did listen to a lot of ECM this year and that label effectively rubs off 33% of my listening now. Especially when it comes to vocal mantra/chant tapes in a folk tradition. The sooner you start to elevate Paraiso Sombrio to that realm, the more you realize just how well this could slot on the New Series next to Stephen Micus fucking with a rock or Meredith Monk forcing vocal games on an unsuspecting audience. I can’t recall any of the baile funk comps or snippets I’ve heard that have left behind miami bass or the farthest end of bonkers brostep for just doing sinister as hell liturgical, ritualistic paeans that make me wanna pace around the house for a half hour straight. Shit makes me chilly and I gotta sleep with the covers on!

11 Magic From Space – Of Ritual and Summoning (Istotne Nagr.)

This was Jamie’s third favorite tape. You can knock yrself out.

12 Windy and Carl – Heavy Early & The Creation Of Venus (Blue Flea)

Windy and Carl sit at the tippy top of my wheelhouse. Their music treat you like an esteemed guest, refusing to hold your hand, but gently nudging you to follow along towards something bigger than us all. There’s a deep passionate and depth to their many albums and compositions across 30 years that labeling would misunderstand and undersell.

Windy and Carl were on a hiatus of sorts since late 2020. It hurt because their beloved Stormy Records store had to give up the ghost amongst too many life events that could cause one to recede. So, it was a miracle to see the duo remerge in 2024 doing a few kranky shows as elder statemen, while also truly reinforced their commitment to the ferric with gorgeous, homespun tapes: a sudden drop of 2 concerts (see down the list) and two drone pieces collected here. Those concerts are MUSTS if you have ever wanted anything resembling Consciousness or Depths on cassette in a unique format. Yet, Heavy Early & The Creation Of Venus is a tender snapshot of time and place & everything in between.

Windy and Carl do not fuck around when it comes to explaining what the hell is going on and reading the story on the Bandcamp, you’ll realize you’ve got on yr hands 2 brilliant drones that are deeply tied to this passage of time and a desire to rebuild. I can only hope another release for kranky (krank250?!) makes it here soon. Yet, the timelessness and their deft ears for detail only strengthen their claim as the stealth Best American Music

13 Harry Gorski-Brown – Durt Dronemaker After Dreamboats (GLARC)

GLARC was a new label find in 2024 that I wish I knew about years prior. And Harry Gorski-Brown just happened to hit my radar in February right at a moment I knew he had the sauce. Perhaps the tape leans too much on its novelty in how it takes bagpipe drone and processes it into a digital landscape reconstruction. Perhaps it transported you to the top of a foothill drenched in rain going “Im gonna fight my dad”.

14 Gary Gwadera – Far, far in Chicago. Footberk Suite (Pointless Geometry)

A polish bro thinking about how his folk music traditions can link up with Chicago footwork!? In this economy?! Pointless Geometry has truly set itself up as a Polish Powerhouse when it comes to tape music and happenings, but Far, far in Chicago. Footberk Suite was amongst the most charming and thoughtful of a fusion sound that I feel I’ll be spending years to come with. The VHS may still be on sale and worth the pick up.

15 Mabe Fratti – Sentir Que No Sabes (Tin Angel Records)

How the hell does she do it?! My first couple of minutes had me going “Oh cool, it’s a bit like Lucrecia Dalt! Love that!” and then…it slacked. it dnb’d. it cello’d. It simply had that maverick energy and a voice that is missing from every end of the spectrum.

16 Peter Kris – Death of a Valley (Never Anything)

Is German Army at its terminal endpoint? Or is Peter Kris just being retired? What I know is that Never Anything is done and that they bowed out with a phenomenal 2xCass recording from the legend that takes us on one final journey trawling the omnibus sonic roadmap of generational scars that we all enjoyed.

17 SUMAC – The Healer (SIGE Recordings / Thrill Jockey)

Ecstatic is the word I come back to when I think of SUMAC’s 2220 Arts performance with Patrick Shiroishi. This is a metal of warmth and transcendence I had not realized I was waiting so dutifully for. It crashes and charges with a precocious flair, as if SUMAC has realized their final form and just what they can show the world.

18 Carme Lopez – Quintella (Warm Winters Ltd.)

Another excursion in droney bagpipe magic!

19 Sobbing Honey – Mellela (true story) (Already Dead)

Sobbing Honey’s been on the LA and Ojai beat for ages; they’ve even done some silent film scoring when the time calls! With Already Dead making the trek to LA proper and setting up shop, that also meant that we finally saw a well needed collab between the label and the gurus themselves. These guys can DRONE for days damnit! Maybe we loaded the list with too much drone? Well I’ll just put this one back on.

20 Lea Bertucci – Hold Music (Dinzu Artefacts)

Lea’s had a streak of great releases across Astral Spirits and American Dreams. Hold Music‘s two pieces were though simply the funniest, most head scratching (in a good way) endeavors Bertucci has landed to date. Those deconstructive tones of phone hold music are transient documentations of a state that is neither friendly nor evil, some third utilitarian purgatory we have to suffer thru.

21 Megafortress – Adversary (Strategy of Tension)

22 Lynn Avery & Cole Pulice – Phantasy & Reality (Moon Glyph)

“The Most ECM Tape Moon Glyph Has Done to Date” – me. Thanks for the drinks, Steve!

23 Lucy Liyou – +82 K Pop Star (A Lucy Liyou Self-Release, with help from Full Spectrum Records)

Full Spectrum may be done, but it did have a year of heaters (on fire sale!) you’ll find across the list. It also happened to beget us this Lucy Liyou self-release that bridges several of her many mini-eras and major works into a fusion. One that was also oddly funny in its quirks. Far closer to some of the live material/improvs I got to catch her perform (with Andrew Weathers!) back in 2023, +82 K Pop Star only reinforces that Lucy Liyou is one of the best experimental divas in the game right now.

24 Water Shrew Trio – following the lichen into the brush (Drongo)

2 super simple pieces of Ambient Americana (the droney VHF Pelt side of things) that were endlessly replayable and stayed in rotation all year. YUP!

25 Yara Asmar – Stuttering Music (Ruptured Records)

The puppeteer’s shock return in such a short time (after blowing me away in 2023) is only more music in that vein. The deep listening emphasis further engrained. The details and sounds outside her own accordion’s low winter sun of a sound, painting vivid pictures of rustic abodes and pastoral planes. There’s a cosmic sort of psychedelia on this one.

26 D.J. VLK – Passion (Strategic Tape Reserve)

27 Austyn Wohlers – Bodymelt in the Garden of Death (Geographic North)

28 koeosaeme – Muave (Crash Symbols)

29 Jabu – A Soft and Gatherable Star (do you have peace?)

30 Khadija Al Hanafi – Slime Patrol 2 (Fada Records)

31 MJ Guider – Youth and Beauty (Modem)

32 Jasmine Wood – Piano Reverb (AD 93)

33 Lucky Bone – Music for Moving Body (Lurker Bias)

34 Nikolaienko – Live at Cafe OTO (Muscut)

35 Moth Cock – HausLive 3: Chicago Twofer (Hausu Mountain)

36 Romance – Endless Love (Ecstatic)

37 Manja Ristić/Joana Guerra/Verónica Cerrotta – Slani pejza​ž​i (tss tapes)

38 Forest Management – New York Seltzer (No Rent)

39 SSRI – SSRI (Pointless Geometry)

40 Muscle Beach – Muscle Beach (Post Present Medium)

41 Daast – SS24 (Phage Tapes)

42 Francisco Meirino – The Mute Fortress (Vice de Forme)

43 Tiger Village – Grid Work (Suite 309)

44 Teasel – Drempt (Steep Gloss)

45 Ghost Dance – The Future Holds Nothing For You (self-released)

46 Bluff City Vice – S2PID (Machine Duplication Recordings)

47 Al Wootton – Lifted From The Earth (Berceuse Heroique)

48 Support Unit- In Rememberance of Bonanno (Black Ring Rituals)

49 Eris Drew – Raving Disco Breaks Vol. II: Rock the House (T4TLUVNRG)

50 Moth Bucket- Jazz Not Jazz (Lurker Bias)

51 Erica Dawn Lyle – Colonel Motels (Notice Recordings)

52 Kory Reeder – if the thought evaporates (Full Spectrum)

53 TIE Windy and Carl – Live At ‘Under The Couch’ Atlanta GA, November 18th 1997 (Blue Flea) & Windy and Carl – Live At Community School Of Music And Arts * Ithaca, NY April 24th 2009 (Blue Flea)

54 DJ Birdbath – Memory Empathy (Theory Therapy)

55 Angelwings Marmalade – As The Motherboard Watched Back (Strategic Tape Reserve)

56 Thirdface- Minsterial Cafeteria (Exploding in Sound)

57 ユウレカ [YUREKA] – AltX (Deaf Touch Records)

58 Weirs and Magic Tuber Stringband – The Crozet Tunnel (Notice Recordings)

59 Frail Body – Artificial Bouquet (Deathwish)

60 Chapman & Crank Sturgeon- Ruse Two (HT102) (Histamine Tapes)

61 Andrea Pensado & Jaw Surgery – Ferocity of the Unconscious (Orb Tapes)

62 Xylitol – Anemones (Planet Mu)

63 Jet Jaguar – Small Things (Cudighi)

64 Natalia Beylis – Lost – For Annie (outside time)

65 CS – Dezember/Oh Trouble (Falt)

66 Other Light Ensemble – blue fifty-one (blue tapes)

67 Klara Lewis & Yuki Tsujii – Salt Water (Trilogy Tapes)

68 Grimório de Abril – Castelo d’Água (Municipal K7)

69 S. Leidig – FART (self-released)

70 TIE Jake Acosta – Earth To First Person + Indumentum + The Salt Clef + Restrospector. Basically, its just a jake acosta slot because the quality control on his music since Rehearsal Park is staggeringly high. Legit go buy one of his tour tapes!

71 Tashi Dorji – we will be wherever the fires are lit (Drag City)

72 Kyle Bruckmann – DUTY CYCLE (Already Dead)

73 Ultrabonus​ -​ El Casino de La Muerte (Kitchen Leg Records)

74 Ensemble Tikoro – Hell Chamber (Artetetra)

75 Makoto Oshiro – Stacked (enmossed)

76 Scotch Rolex, Shackleton & Omutaba – The Three Hands of Doom (Nyege Nyege Tapes)

77 Onrassi Pazuzu – Muuntautuja (Nuclear Blast)

78 Frunk29 – Sequentia (Not Not Fun)

79 hyacinth. – still waters run deep (Strategic Tape Reserve)

80 Niagara – De Motu (Principe)

81 Raoul Eden – Anima (Scissor Tail)

82 Vague Plot – Crying in 9 (Island House)

83 Cowboy Sadness – Selected Jambient Works Vol. 1 (People Teeth)

84 ayrtbh – Synthetic Weather Reporter (Aloe Records)

85 To Die – Selected Discography 1998-2023 (Noise Bombing)

86 James Twig Harper – Ha Ha Laughing Record (Hanson)

87 Plake 64 & The Hexagrams – Ultima Materia (Ingrown)

88 Babak Asteshamipour – Violent Violins Exposed (Jollies)

89 Bong Watt – If It Works, It’s Obsolete (Public Eyesore)

90 Gaute Granli – Tour Tape Vol 4 (Feeding Tube)

91 Gretchen Korsmo – Silhouettes, Spires (Full Spectrum)

92 Valise – On Wire (Hot Releases)

93 Bromp Treb- From the Bank of Fragile Time (Carbus Tapes)

94 Temir Alcy – Temir Alcy (STROOM.tv)

95 Tex Patrello – Minotaur (View No Country)

96 Galen Tipton & Hollywaxing – keepsakeFM (Orange Milk)

97 The Dirty Three – Love Changes Everything (Drag City)

98 d’Eon – Leviathan (Hausu Mountain)

99 angel lin – all of these are in me (Full Spectrum)

100 TIE The Softies – The Bed I Made (Lost Sound Tapes) & Rose Melberg – Things We Tried to Hide (Selected Songs, 1993​-​2023) (Antiquated Futures)

101 Kristen Roos – Universal Synthesizer Interface Vol III (Hotham Sound)

102 Michelle Lou and Stefan Maier – Live at UCSD (Dinzu Artefacts)

103 V/A – Head Honcho (Cudighi Records)

104 Chinese Cigarettes – Salty (100% Bootleg Cassette Tape Company)

105 Nowhere Flower – Ruts the Place (radicaldocuments)

106 Sonotanotanpenz – 13 (Mascarpone Discos)

107 Penelope Trappes – Hommelen (Paralaxe Editions)

108 Phicus – REDOX (Hera Corp.)

109 Ethan WL – Blood Farm (Drongo)

110 Dustin Wong & Gregory Uhlmann – Water Map (Otherly Love)

111 Naomi Halisca – Peachtree Playthings (TV-14 Recordings)

112 Winters in Osaka/C. Dodge – S/T (Industrial Coast)

113 Billy Gomberg – Nanahari Edit (Dinzu Artefacts)

114 Manoir Molle – accords (pylône éditions)

115 William Fields – Quube (Søvn)

116 Trigger Object – Ghost Bros OST (Eat My Shit Records and Tapes)

117 Baudouin Da Bodinet – C​ā​p & d’Haī Peï (Urticaria Records/Affadis Plein)

118 Sindre Bjera – Authentic Mistakes (Falt)

119 Ryan Richard & Erol Ulug – MKULTRA Volume 1 (Ephem Aural)


121 Budokan Boys- Are You Sick? (Strategic Tape Reserve)

122 Ryan Ebaugh – YMSD739 (Daft Alliance)

123 Turn On The Sunlight – Canoga to Haʻikū (Moon Glyph)

124 Thomas Carrol & Mia Windsore- A Cake of Ashes (Infant Tree)

125 Lustana – ABCD (Never Anything)

126 Slurred Oath – Botanica (Already Dead)

127 Tamarisk – Comes From Far Away Here (Notice Recordings)

128 Nate Scheible – or valleys and (outside Time)

129 Bad Trips – The Night He Came Home (Hot Releases)

130 Lo-Tek Larry – Window to Another World (100% Bootleg Cassette Tape Company)

131 Air Jordans- Nobsrine 3fold (Steep Gloss)

132 Surrealistic Pillhead – Surrealistic Pillhead (Future Shock)

133 CHEFKIRK – To Someone Special (Falt)

134 Arushi Jain – Delight (Leaving)

135 Bill Mackay – Locust Land (Drag City)

136 Nicholas Langley – Reshapes (Third Kind Records)`

137 Sipaningkah – Langkah Suruik (CHINABOT)

138 Dawno Temu – SACRALIA (Pointless Geometry)

139 Resumer / Uniter – An Irrational Eyeful (Lurker Bias)

140 Rob Collier – Music from Byrdcliffe Volume 1: Arriving​/​Leaving (Ephem Aural)

141 Sophiaaaahjkl;8901 – Breakcore Burnout (Suite 309)

142 tarotplane – Improvisations for Echo Guitar (Island House Recordings)

143 The NRG – Stadium Ambient / Live in Japan (Muzan Editions)

144 Sex Funeral – Brokedown Palace Zones (Personal Archives)

145 TIE: Fire-Toolz – Breeze + somesurprises – Perseids* (doom trippie reddkids)

146 CVN – Xeno (Orange Milk)

147 Cody Yantis – Half Moon Field (Full Spectrum)

148 Tim Kinsella & Jenny Pulsa – Broken Aquarium / The Viscosity (Astral Editions)

149 Yol & David Curington – A Typical Sunday (Steep Gloss)

150 Memphis for Palestine (Machine Duplication Recordings)

151 Randa Fisher & Dexter Story – Wenge (Constellation Tatsu)

152 Blood Snake II – s/t (Aprtment 421)

153 -[HF]- – Symbolic Ahnihilation (Drama Recorder)

154 Marsha Fisher – Adorations (Dasa Tapes)

155 MIDI Janitor – Holy to Dogs (Hotham Sound)

156 V/A – Live ’21-23 (Hot Releases)

157 Ackerley/Prymek/Turner – All Hope With Sleeping Minds (Full Spectrum)

158 Megabasse – Au royaume de Pacheco (Mascarpone Discos)

159 Graphics – The Great Unconfusing (Lurker Bias)

160 Scree – Live at the Owl Vol. 2 (Ruination Record Co)

161 well hell – floriografia (Make Believe DIY)

162 Greg Davis – blue fifty-three (Blue Tapes)

163 Versioning – Cloud Plateau (Ingrown)

164 V/A – Golly (Jollies)

165 Wrendt – Horse Tenant Bazaar (Drongo)

166 African Ghost Valley – Cloven Hooves (Bonding)

167 Earth Color – I Don’t Want To Be Free I Want To Be With You (Immemory Press)

168 Leo Chang and Jeonghyeon Joo – jjjjjit (Falt)

169 Mattie Barbier – paper blown between the spaces in my ribs (Dinzu Artefacts)

170 Glo Phase – Blink (Constellation Tatsu)

171 M.A. Tiesenga – Eutectics (Astral Editions)

172 I.L.L.O. – Ten Little Songs (Spared Flesh)

173 Tam Lin – …across a Snow-flecked Mountain Valley + Tam Lin II (Paisley Shirt)

174 Longmont Potion Castle – Best Before ’24 (D.U. Records)

175 Lester Grovington – Hot Lands (Flophouse)

176 Tim Olive – Flawed Gait (Falt)

177 Blues Ambush – s/t (radicaldocuments)

178 Man Rei – Doer (Crash Symbols)

179 Chad M. Clark + Damon Smith – Hallucinated Citations (Balance Point Acoustics / Distant Taxa)

180 Normal Nada the Krakmaxter – Tubo de Ensaio (Nyege Nyege Tapes)

181 Gil Sansón – Dunning-Kruger Effect (Full Spectrum)

182 Dummy – Free Energy (Trouble in Mind)

183 Stylianos Ou – Voukolika Tragoudia (Drongo)

184 Aaron Dilloway – Freak-out your friends! (Hanson)

185 KK Null- Ghost Dub Awakening (No Rent)

186 Marco Baldini – Fuochi (Dinzu Artefacts)

187 Alma Laprida – Pitch Dark and Trembling (outside time)

188 Nandele – 1994 (Already Dead)

189 Northwoods Improvisers – Kuhtuhlpa (Copy This!)

190 Pork Belly – I’m Okay, You’re Okay, Everything is Okay (Discontinuous Innovation Inc.)

191 Staś Czekalski – Przygody (Mondoj)

192 Xiu Xiu – 13″ Frank Beltrame Italian Stiletto with Bison Horn Grips (Polyvinyl)

193 Ben Dumbauld – Two Movements for Stop Box (Ephem Aural)

194 Nick Millevoi – Moon Pulses (Island House)

195 Human Error – Human Error (Astral Spirits)

196 Matchess – Stena (Drag City)

197 Hubert Kostkiewicz – Four Guitar Solos For Bemma Bar (Pointless Geometry)

198 Moon People – Lunar Secrets (Swimming Faith)

199 S. Hollis Mickey – Cocoon (Full Spectrum)

200 Alex Homan – Tomestoner (self-released)

200.5 Various Artists – Live on TBD Vol. 1 (TBD Tapes)

Tabs Out | An Interview with Adam Arritola (Avant Garde A Clue 10/7 – 10/14)

10.01.24 by Jamie Orlando

Jamie Orlando sat down for a video call with Adam Arritola, where they discussed the upcoming “Avant Garde A Clue” festival in Rochester, NY running from 10/7- 10/14. They also touched on Adam’s touring history and shared some fun stories about discovering secret cassette tapes by Id M Theft Able.

[Note from Matty: While I was unable to attend this call, I want to give a huge thanks to Jamie for scoring this + Adam for coming in clutch. Way back in march 2023 at Big Ears, I got to meet Adam by complete luck and we really hit it off over beer and hot dogs, continually running into each other over the festival and trading thoughts and opinion. Dude’s been a long time maverick and life in the domestic underground who’s efforts in festival booking shouldn’t go unappreciated even if he’s not recording music. He’s an essential part of that fabric and it’s great to spotlight this insane happening here on Tabs Out. Info + Links at the bottom!]

JO: I have Adam Arritola here, and he is putting on this massive festival this year in Rochester, New York called “Avant Garde A Clue”. So, before we talk about that, I saw on your website that you’ve booked a bunch of other fests, especially in Miami. How did you get into booking festivals like this? 

AA: When I was in high school, or probably like just getting into high school, I was pretty popular on social media already, before the whole social media influencer thing was a thing, and a lot of my friends knew me as a person that was very very into music and a friend made a suggestion and said “hey, you know all these people on social media and they seem to really be into what you’re doing and whatnot. Why don’t you try to throw your own concert and try to get everyone to come out and you can just call it Adam Fest?”, and I thought it was hilarious and so I booked a show with absolutely zero knowledge of how to do it. I just kind of asked all my buddies if they’d play on a really eclectic bill (and this was in 2012) and it was one of the most successful shows I’ve ever thrown, honestly. We sold the venue out. You had kids’ parents driving them out to this gig so that they could go mosh for 10 hours to ska… whatever genres I had on the bill.

JO: And it was called Adam Fest? 

AA: Yeah, Adam Fest 2012, then that happened until 2014, and then that was just kind of an annual thing and then I retired the name because I never wanted it to be about me. It was just kind of a joke at the beginning. I said okay I’m gonna start Eclectic Overdrive and from then on forward anything that I had booked had its own entity attached to it.

JO: Then it looks like you started booking experimental music festivals and I believe it was called The International… 

AA: Well no, International Noise Conference was originally Rat Bastard and Ralph Cavalero and that’s been occurring since I was a child. That was kind of the precursor to this, in the sense that I spent the majority of my youth going to as many of these shows as possible; and it kind of just completely reshaped my life, really. I wouldn’t even say my definition of music, but just my whole being. I didn’t think that when I started making noise 10 years plus later I would still be taking it so seriously.

JO: So, you kind of helped that with those festivals?

AA: Well, I was more of an attendee, and then I started Miami Psych Fest in 2017, which was supposed to encompass what I had been doing already. Every style of music, eclectic genres, and whatever, but heavily focused on more psychedelic arts. So that just kind of kept getting further and further into that realm and now Avant Garde A Clue is just taking it as far out as you can get, and sprinkling in a little of everything with it.

JO: Yeah, and that’s for sure, because if you look at this flyer for Avant Garde A Clue, there are SO many artists on it! “250 plus international acts unite for a historic week of anti-commercial arts”. One thing I really love about this flyer is how it’s not like the Coachella flyers where it lists all the biggest bands at the top; Foo Fighters and then the smaller bands underneath in micro text. It’s just in alphabetical order and there’s some big names and there’s some people you’ve never heard of, but they’re all just together. I like how you did that.

AA: Yep

JO: I think the biggest name that you got was Gong?

AA: Gong and then Doom Dogs (is a super group composed of Reeves Gabrels of The Cure and David Bowie and has Jonathan Kane who played in Swans and with Rhys Chatham and La Monte Young, and Jair-Rôhm Parker Wells). So between those two groups. Yeah, I’d say those are the largest names, probably. 

JO: Actually I was gonna ask you, being this is a noise festival of sorts, how many dropouts are you expecting of these 250? It wouldn’t be a noise festival without plenty of dropouts.

AA: Right yeah, I guess the ratio would be like 8% of the lineup. Well, you know I’m legitimately surprised. I sent out about 200 messages today and only like 3 or 4 people have dropped the fest so far. Kind of unbelievable that I have this many acts and that so far, with two weeks remaining there’s still quite a few people. There’s more than 25 acts a day, so that’s a lot of music.

JO: We got: Crank Sturgeon, Wendy Eisenberg [Matty’s note: they’re on FIRE rn!], Mike Pride, If, Bwana, Moth Cock [Matty’s note: GOATS], Cock ESP, Rob Magill {Matty’s Note: Rob is a fucking Ojai LEGEND holding it down on the central coast, big ups to Weird Cry!], Drums Like Machine Guns, Bad Trips, Frank Hurricane – those are just a few of them! This is a week-long festival. What are the days gonna look like?

AA: For the diehards, it’s probably about as much music as you could take in a day each day. For live music, I don’t know that you’re gonna want much more by the end of it.

JO: How many hours a day?

AA: I want to say it’s like 12 hours a day?

JO: Is there more than one stage happening at the same time?

AA: Not at the same time. There are rotating stages, and so what’s gonna happen is that if you have bands playing in one area where there’s a little bit more of a gear situation and other people setting up, the other stage will be utilized, and other people will be setting up on that side, so people will be able to bounce in and out. But music will be going on at all times. There’s no intermission, no sound check, nothing like that.

JO: Yeah, and then speaking of dropouts, the other trope about noise shows is everybody always forgets their patch cables. Are you gonna make sure you have some extra patch cables for these idiots?

AA: I’ll have some of my own to help people out with, the venue’s got some, but with this many acts, I hope that some people are bringing extra!

JO: So this kind of segues into another topic. I first met you as a touring artist and you’re just a very dedicated and hyper-organized person, to be able to tour in the way that you do, and to play so many shows. I’ve seen a lot of people tour, but I’ve never seen anybody do it quite like the level that you do it. Basically, it almost seems like you can put a pin on the map in the United States and you can say “oh I can play here”. So you obviously have a lot of connections. How do you stay so organized, both with your touring, and with booking this festival? It’s fascinating.

AA: I’ll say first and foremost, I think this festival was probably the first time anyone’s ever called me organized because I’m typically not a very organized person at all. I have high functioning ADHD and I’m all over the place all of the time, but I guess to answer that question; Being able to kind of be anywhere and make things happen; Even before I was performing, I was religiously attending every style show I could go to. I’ve lived, breathed, and slept music my entire life really, and a lot of the people on this lineup are people that I consider friends at this point, and that I’ve either played on bills with or that I’ve seen play throughout the years. It just goes really really deep, and so when you’ve been to thousands of shows with people all over the world, you start to learn the landscape of who’s booking where, and what towns are doing what, and if you don’t know, you probably do know somebody that does know what’s going on. That tour that I originally met you on, I only started organizing that like 2 months before the tour and it was a 58 city tour, and I had people that were in their 70s that were like “I’ve been touring longer than you’ve been alive and I’ve never seen anyone do anything like this in that span of time”. I didn’t really think anything of it when I was doing it. I did think that I got very lucky that I was able to actually line up the whole East coast up and down but, I certainly didn’t realize the gravity of how difficult that typically is, and I’m very grateful to everybody and this really wonderful community of creators all over the world that they’re just always willing to do last minute shows for you know.  What might be an audience of 3 people sometimes, but it’s always the right 3 people.

JO: Yeah, it really does seem like for that tour, and for this festival people were really rallying around you and trying to help you. That’s how we connected.

AA: Yep 

JO: So to jump back to the festival real quick. Is it just you putting it on or do you have helpers? 

AA: It is completely just me. The venue has very graciously offered the space for the week and I know that Tom (who is the owner and is in his mid 70s) will be running around the whole week also. Staying up early and late with us and helping do sound and keep things orderly. In terms of organization, asking everyone to play, getting the spot, promoting, it is pretty much me. I’m pretty much gonna try to cover Rochester in flyers the next two weeks, but aside from that, I’m not taking full credit for it. It’s everybody involved that allows it to happen. The organizational aspect was definitely something that I had no help with.

JO: I saw something on Facebook today where you said that there were like 1,500 people that responded favorably to the invite so there is some good traction, some good buzz.

AA: That one kind of caught me off guard because I’ve always been very about trying to maximize social media retention, and I’ve had this event page up longer than any other event I’ve ever done. I think I made this back in like November of last year and so I kind of just was teasing it for a while and before I even had an announced lineup there were already 200 responses on the event. Then I ran some ads for a while. I still have some ads running and if there’s anything I’ve learned through years of curating it’s that you can’t really trust metrics on Facebook in terms of anywhere near how many people will show up, but I mean if a tenth of those people show up that would be wonderful. So I think it’s a really good sign no matter what, and having that many attendees on Facebook too I believe puts you into like the “main algorithm” of what’s happening in the city. So maybe we’ll have visitors or random people that are just like “oh, what is this?”

JO: Are you performing? 

AA: Yes, I am. I have a couple of people that have asked me to play, and I’m kind of on the fence about how many I do play. I’m definitely not doing more than one thing a day. I really don’t like to play my own festival too much. I’ve always been weird about people curating stuff and overly playing their own thing.

JO: Humble of you.

AA: When friends ask you to play and they’re people that you respect and admire, it’s hard to say no sometimes.

JO: You kind of remind me, in a way, of John Zorn. I’ve seen things where Zorn puts on a festival in Europe, and he’s performing, and he’s also hosting, and he’s just so busy all day. People say that he doesn’t really eat. He’s just kind of running around and I’m thinking about you doing this for a week. Are you gonna be okay?

AA: Oh yeah. So this will be the second time I’ve done it for a week straight as an organizer. Originally in 2022, I did Rochester Experimental Week, which was maybe about half of these artists. It’s definitely exhausting by the end of the week. You want to take like another week of rest if you can, but unfortunately you have to return right back to real life right after. It’s taxing for sure. You have to be attentive at all times and especially being the person that people rely on for the whole thing. I’m the point of contact, so I’m gonna be getting grabbed and pulled in every direction you can imagine the whole fest.

JO: I would love to see your phone, the texts and DMs! Make sure you bring an extra phone charger! So, I want to change gears, and since this is an interview for Tabs Out, we definitely have to talk about tapes at some point, so the first question (not really related to tapes) is – I was trying to look up an Adam Arritola tape and then I saw that despite all your touring, and all the people you’ve played with, you have not released any music. 

AA: Nope. More than 10 years of live performance and I have not put any music or merch out and I guess I intend to keep it that way for the foreseeable future. Before you ask, it’s strictly because when I do release a piece of music I want it to be something that I can look back on 50 years from now and really just feel that it kept its place in time.

JO: Once you release this opus of work, do you have any dream labels you’d want to put it out on? 

AA: I do have friends that run labels that are very very close friends, and I did tell my buddies Scott Bazar and Joel Nobody that if I do put out my first release I would like to do it on Fork And Spoon Records, which is based out of Panama City Beach, Florida. A lot of that crew is coming up to play my festival and they’re some of the coolest creatives you’ll ever meet. It’s a really overlooked improvisational music area in the United States that most people probably don’t know exists.

JO: I have plenty of musical blind spots. I’ve never heard of Fork And Spoon Records. Are those guys putting out any tapes?

AA: I believe they are. They do multimedia stuff. I definitely have a number of CDs from them. I do have a handful of tapes as well. I haven’t been too in the loop though. I’m gonna be honest, especially like this past year, I haven’t been as in the loop with what has been recent. I feel like this year has just been nonstop and I really haven’t had time to dig into things the way I would like to. But hopefully after the festival eases up a little bit, I can spend some winter time digging in.

JO: Yeah, I’m definitely quite the same way. I’m always buried in a backlog of music that I haven’t listened to yet, and it makes it difficult to catch up on new stuff. But, is there anything from 2024 that you’ve been checking out? 

AA: Not off the top of my head. There’s a number of people that I’ve booked that have come through town, where I do have tapes from them. So between the tapes that I bought from him, and between the tapes that I went on an adventure for in Maine, I’ve been really exploring a lot of Id M Theft Able lately. 

JO: Yeah, let’s talk about that. I just noticed that he’s not playing at your festival.

AA: Unfortunately not. Skott has got family at home that he has to look after and I know he wants to be on tour, and it just didn’t line up this time unfortunately. But I had Skott here not too long ago. He played in my basement and It was a really fun night.

JO: He’s the best. He’s played out here a couple times too! He’s got some crazy geocaching adventures that you can do in Maine, and I did one of them! I did the one at the rest stop and I know you did too, but you did the one at the cabin and so why don’t you tell us about both of those experiences?

AA: Sure and to my awareness, actually I believe there is a third one that I haven’t gone on the adventure for yet, so the next time I’m out in Portland or Windham Maine area I’m gonna go on the search for that one. But yeah, Id M Theft Able is one of my favorite people and creatives in the entire world and when I went up to Portland, Maine to play a show there, it was actually the first show him and Crank Sturgeon had played as a duo since before COVID, and I kind of idolize those guys. So having them play a duo on a show I was coming through to play was very exciting. As I was on my way, Skott didn’t tag me in it, but I’m sure that he knew that I would see it on my feed. He refreshed his Kittery, Maine truck stop cassette adventure and so I remembered that on my way over there. At the Kittery rest stop, if you look around in crevices under the vending machines or above them (and you have to comb through spider webs), but, Id M Theft Able Tapes are waiting for you. So if you ever find yourself in that area, go make sure to grab one of those.

JO: Tell us about the cabin.

AA: That was the most fun I’ve had in my adult life, like no joke, and I was completely by myself when I did that. I went on this adventure and I intentionally told myself that I was not going to use the GPS coordinates when I got there. It was raining and it was this time of year all the trees were completely full. So you couldn’t see through anything, so I was walking around and combing through shrub for what felt like hours. I was almost about ready to give up honestly. And funny enough, I brought a video drone on tour with me. At one point I got so frustrated that I started flying the drone over all of the area. I flew the drone for like 20 minutes and could not find this thing for the life of me! And so it’s raining. I put the drone away and I said “okay, I’m not giving up on this”. I’ve already put too much effort into this and I kept going and going and going. Eventually I stumbled upon this abandoned shack, and just seeing the shack you know from my periphery when I finally spotted it was like, oh my god, is that it? It was like this magical thing. You could equate it to The Legend of Zelda when Link picks up treasure out of the chest.

JO: So, you held it over your head?

AA: That’s what it felt like to find the spot and then you walk in it, and it’s just like this completely decrepit room with this mattress that literally looks like somebody’s been murdered in this place. Then above the falling apart mattress, there’s a little banner that says “Take It To The Next Level” and the whole concept is that you go in there, you take a photo of yourself with one of the tapes that you get off the wall, and you send that photo of you with the tape to Skott and he will send you a custom made art cover for your cassette tape that you’ve acquired from this adventure.

JO: That’s incredible. Wow. So, I think that kind of wraps it up. I just wanted to ask, do you have anything else you wanted to talk about or any advice for people trying to put on their own festivals? 

AA: Yeah, just do it. Don’t think that you can’t do it. Anybody can do this. It’s not like something that you need a special skill set to do. I mean there are skills that could help for sure and I guess if you’re a more sociable person, which sometimes I’m not, it does help a lot. But just ask your buddies or ask bands if they’re willing to play a spot. Ask a spot if they’re willing to host a show. Sometimes there are hurdles you need to go through but if you’ve gone to shows throughout the years, you probably have some idea of the etiquette of how shows run and so as long as you’re making sure that the artists are taken care of before yourself, I think that that is the coolest thing you can do as a promoter. Just don’t be one of those people that get into music to try to capitalize on people. 

JO: Definitely. I’m not gonna be able to be there in person, but I’m planning on checking out the Twitch stream. Congrats, this is incredible. I’m really excited for it.

AA: Yeah, thank you Jamie. I guess the last thing I’ll add is that I’m really excited that this venue has allowed the whole week to occur as an all-ages festival. If you have the opportunity to expose youth to this, I would really highly suggest it. I think that it could really make a tremendous lifelong impact on younger people, and hopefully once I get burnt out from doing this, somebody attending this festival I want to be the next person to throw the next extremely large line up.

JO: 500 artists, 2 weeks!

AA: Yeah exactly!

JO: Alright Adam, I think that’s all I got and really appreciate you.

AA: Oh thank you, Jamie it was a pleasure.

Check the Avant Garde A Clue Schedule Here

Reserve a Spot at the Eventbrite Page Here

Tabs Out | Excursions in Bagpipe Droning: Harry Gorski-Brown – Durt Dronemaker After Dreamboats & Carme López – Quintela

Excursions in Bagpipe Droning: Harry Gorski-Brown – Durt Dronemaker After Dreamboats & Carme López – Quintela

8.07.24 by Matty McPherson

It takes 2 tapes to denote a comparison, 3 to draw a pattern, perhaps trend. You can cheat with the right Bandcamp primer, enough to make a compelling case that perhaps there always was something here. While a 2024 guide to Celtic Fusion perhaps invites you to consider the dance fusion aspects new remixes atop pastiche (bordering into zones best described as “Awful Taste but GREAT Execution” style music), this 2022 guide to Experimental Bag Pipes has been something of a boon when considering two tapes that have been haunting the last 4+ months of my digital drive & hifi.

As we encroach the halfway point of summer, I’m still returning to the works of Harry Gorski-Brown (Durt Dronemaker After Dreamboats) & Carme López (Quintela). I was drawn easily to both of these because they happen to reflect the a certain strain of Bandcamp tape goodness: composer-style works out on the fringe on the private press, the ones where New Approaches to Music are woven directly into sound. Anachronistic in a way that pushes forward, as much as a terminally sold out (both of them are); designing pathways under explored and without champion. We’re on another ocean mulling these over. Creativity, is not something that can be birthed, but comes from practice and wrestling with personal knowledge into constant shapeshifting forms. And Gorski-Brown and López provide parallel, if somewhat contrasting, creative approaches to the bagpipe in 2024 as an instrument in avant-recording. Neither of which you can understate the fearlessness of.

Durt Dronemaker After Dreamboats is a lot of things at once. We’ll start with acknowledging that GLARC put this out. The Greater Lanarkshire Auricular Resarch Council has been a slow, yet steady entity out in Glasgow for the past 8 years. They consistently tag themselves as Reserach & Sound Art for good reason. There’s a lot of releases merging the didactic, like Max Syedtollan/ Plus-Minus Ensemble’s Four Assignments (& Other Pieces)’s narrative based composer works, with physicality, like han’s The Institute of Ecoterrorism’s latex cover and conceptual focus on a fictional Institute of Ecoterrorism. These are heady releases, unique and emphasizing the best of what you can do with a tape this decade. Look further, there’s the result of workshops for kids, consistent lo-fi and jammy ruminations, hell even Still House Plants’ first cult release(s) kicked off the label (and now fetch triple figures). Essays and smells and well, a real sense of community commentary and curiosity abound into one of the most notable backcatalogs across the pond.

Harry Gorski-Brown – Durt Dronemaker After Dreamboats

While Durt Dronemaker After Dreamboats does not come with a bonus aesthetic treat or materialistic flair, it is one of the label’s longest releases and conceptual airtight. “Put together by Harry Górski-Brown (voice, pipes, fiddle, organ, bouzouki, electronics). Songs from a long time ago sourced from various places” is all that’s indicated on the releases Bandcamp page, the sole embodiment of where these 8 tracks on this ~C64, live digitally. Perhaps in a state slightly improved from the home dub of the GLARC tape. But maybe that’s essential to the whole thing, for Górski-Brown is nothing but conversant in the Scottish Folk Song, and diligent in a 21st century mode for presenting the form, even in obvstentively lo-fidelity live takes and DAW touchups. Yet, preserved in this wobbly, archaic way it is anachronism encroaching meta.

Górski-Brown’s approach to bagpipes is something that many could easily find themselves on board with. Òrain Ghàidhlig and Pìobaireachd are termslikely not encountered outside of a library’s limited Scottish music section (or RYM tags for releases like this or in Bandcamp primers), if at all before this tape. Yet, those Scottish traditions are quick to become a reliant foreground brimming with an expanse for Gorski-Brown, especially if you love drone or electro-acoustic touch ups that he integrates and suddenly brings this to the 2020s with such viscosity. The traditional songs make for a rather entrancing drone medley, one that embodies naturalism akin to crystalline ponds after rain showers, and matches with the most folk-oriented releases in the primer. Yet, Górski-Brown traverses that sound with the kind of sprawling intensity of Joe Rainey’s Niineta (perhaps the album’s truest ancillary), especially when he gets on the microphone to vocalize and try to find a balance to harmonize with the pipes.

It’s here where with the digital effects, he finds a similar way to give us a sonic roadmap of where he’s been; hagged noise glitches, choir augmentations, modulations in the voice. They can change the general intensity of these slow encumbering drones, approaching sublime depth and finding new emotional intensity within the bagpipe (as an instrument and addition to the voice) while also suggesting new characteristics of this land and what it means to Gorski-Brown. These songs beckoned to me not because they lurked, but those shadows sometimes reminded me of a strain of digital/daw-gaze coming out of the late end of another strain of online pop/bitcrushed musics, which is not something I anticipated when I first heard this release at all in February. It’s why the monstrous length and commitment to this made for an interesting set of observations in Tone Glow. I err with the high marks ecause his emotion is nothing but on the sleeve across this release (the penultimate cut’s harmony of Górski-Browns is a particularly rousing fist pumping anthem), whether its in the abrasive quality a drone can take (at the end of Side A or Side B’s closer) or the utter gumption it takes to close with an “encore” of I wanna fight your father. Taken from a live show, everything that Durt Dronemaker After Dreamboats embodies comes together here, even down to the fact that Górski-Brown seems to cough and stutter for a second and the crowd beckons on. This shit is too home-spun not to hear a tantalizing idea within.

Carme López – Quintela

Both tapes have portraits of their performers. Yet, while Górski-Brown looks straight at us, Carme López looks to the left. Is it a sly nod suggesting her roots researching and studying traditional oral music? Or is it looking back at the 20th Century notion of Deep Listening? The music on Quintela seems to suggest both as necessities to rip it up and start anew with the bagpipe. For López, a teacher and performer, the bagpipe, gaita gallega, is also something that does not have to be played akin to the way it has been presented. Quintela’s Bandcamp notes indicate that desire to position the instrument away from masculine modes, towards something more playful and spontaneous. Still conveying a folk tradition, albeit one more nuanced and personalized. Warm Winters Ltd. is something of an outpost for these global happenings (and along with Muscut & Mappa, deserve great credit for documenting a new environmentalism and futurism in European music, especially in the east)

Her approach is especially noteworthy for the passages of silence she blesses the tape, the atonal mania the bagpipe can achieve, and the micro-blissouts her drones work towards. Whereas Durt Dronemaker After Dreamboats felt akin to a meaty mixtape, Quintela has structured form to its track listing, a featherweight journey across four parts; a tidier ~C40. In addition, its traditional prologue and epilogue that allow López to present dextrous skill, while also being the tape’s most concurrent passages with Górski-Brown. Quickly we move to I: QUÉ? A Betty Chaos, repositioning the bagpipe towards both the most atmospheric and dread inducing. The track, built from air passing through the bagpipe’s hide bag, recalls the noir haze of Astral Spirits free noise and the tinkering of Tripticks Tapes experimenters like Weston Olencki & Nat Baldwin–folks whose approaches to terraforming an instrument to find a new kind of relation to its forms and history parallel that of López. Anything and everything can be used with the instrument, a reckoning that allows López to convey analog wit towards the instrument and remap its folk capacity.

It is the tapes middle though, where this tinkering merges with the avant. The awe-inspiring II: MATICOLO. Aos cans da casa: Piri, Sil, Duma e Mouri is where Carme López achieves a bliss out, with a frequency cutting truly out of time. She’s taken influence from Pauline Oliveros and Éliane Radigue’s work with drones, yet my ears detect a significant flavor between La Monte Young and Time Machines. For nine minutes, she motions a gentle frequency that’s ever pulsating, a bass node gently expanding, to the moment to a point where the passage of time slips away. You could easily be lulled to a slumber until the click indicates the end of Side A. Side B opens with III: AVÓS. A Pepe e Manuela, a culmination that moves the drone to its most liturgical, reverent state. IV. CACHELOS. A César de Farbán then sees a mending of the first piece’s tinkering & the middle two’s droning. Dutiful tapping of reeds of the bagpipe concoct percussive quip, somewhere between the flicker of a switch, a tap shoe, and a water droplet being sampled. Improvisational ambient dub seems too aspirational a label, but her style of playing those reeds reminds me of those drum rhythms as much as toying with lincoln logs or throwing rocks in a pond. Even in an analog way, López achieves something that can feel distinctly goo age, although not hyperrealistic; an invitation to explore and find a personal noise, but from something ancient, not created. Its an energy the traditional Inflorescencia epilogue indicates that López’s further exploration into the unknown is only just coming into fruition.

For as much as both releases feel attuned to aesthetic technological the advancements of the 20th century, neither release feels like they could have a home on the ECM New Series or New Albion, let alone Lovely Music Ltd. or a Rough Guide to Gaelic Highlife in that time. I mean it half-jokingly, but what does that mean to me really? For a tape like Quintela, which is a disciple of deep listening, why is its final fourth so playful and suggestive of minimal electronic experiments that I’ve found Keith Rankin’s “goo age” so helpful to denote? Whereas with Durt Dronemaker After Dreamboats, how come an integration of electronics allows these folk songs to become a manner of sonic roadmapping not present on Quintela without that kind of playful character? The fact that in 2024, you have two tapes of this quality working with the bagpipe in ways that so rarely clash, just barely concur, strikes me as a sign of just how much we have to learn and how easy it is to diverge in novel ways. Go forth and bring a new aesthetic approach or set of limits and hypotheses. But please, no more trance beats and bagpipe in poor taste, we’ve have enough to last a lifetime.

Both Releases Sold Out at GLARC & Warm Winters Ltd Bandcamp!

Tabs Out | Episode 197

Episode 197

Unholy Altar – s/t (self released)
Bloodsnake II (Apartment 421)
Megzbow and Vinegar Tom – Field Mulch (Sgarab Tapes)
Nicholas Langley – Reshapes (Third Kind Records)
Twig Harper – Ha Ha Laughing Record (Hanson)
Vaporizer – Daze of High Adventure (Children of the Abyss)
Vanity Angel – Spotless Victim (Crippled Sounds)
Mythical Creatures – Bamf! (Old Gold)
Temporal Waves – s/t (Linear Face/People Places)
Teacher’s Pet – Styrofoam Records: The Mixtape With No Shitty Songs comp (Styrofoam)
Birthday Girl – Styrofoam Records: The Mixtape With No Shitty Songs comp (Styrofoam)
Tony Bottoni – Two Sides (Past & Present)

Tabs Out || Track Premiere! The Electric Nature – Plastic Mind

Track Premiere! The Electric Nature – Plastic Mind

4.02.24 by Matty McPherson

Michael Potter is back on the road, in a big way. Hopefully, by the time you read this, you’ve realized he’s headed to your corner of the DIY-quadrant (it’s nice to see a date lined up with our pals at Drongo HQ). You also probably realized that Michael Potter has got something of a new-ish album of old-ish material that’s been gestating and waiting to be dropped on us in the year 2024. Material dates back to a 2009-2010 window, from a time where the studio was a “Dell computer, a half broken Squier strat, and an earbud turned microphone”. The result of the Plastic Mind sessions came up with something Already Dead has dubbed “krautrock-trip-hop hybrid with heavy psychedelia and electronica influences”.

You’ll see a fair bit of that truly pushed to the limits on Plastic Mind. Though, to my ears, nurtured on an endless ambient dystopia of dubstep at that time (and also, coming off of revisiting some old cuts to see how dire it was), you can forego the genre labels and just enjoy the simple fact that Michael Potter made at least one VERY heady EDM cut. There’s nothing to be ashamed of regardless the simple pleasures of good wubs and that endless serotonin rusn, especially when he’s far more interested in picking at the aura and happenings beyond the drop.

The title track we’re analyzing today is as close to EDM as the lad has come in a moment. There’s a tad of Goldfrapp electrotrash running through the wubs and guitar processed noise, alongside an absolute heartthrob pulse of a bass. When Potter shreds though, that’s where the cut seems to activate it’s real veracity and drive into a sound that’s not quite for the body but the stars. It has a sound that feels parallel to the Celtic Fusion Bandcamp Daily talked about earlier this year. Regional warping and re-mapping has always played a role in Potter’s work, but never to a degree this outright ecstatic. A decade and a half after recording, it only makes more sense and feels like another portal to the Michael Potter garden of Electric Nature.

Grab the Tape on the Road (see flyer above) with Michael, or pre-order it at Already Dead for release on 4/5.

Tabs Out | Low End Activist – Airdrop

Low End Activist – Airdrop

3.30.24 by Matty McPherson

There’s two ways you might want to try and grapple with a crash course in 90s rave/techno/”music you get sorted for Es and Whiz”. The first way is to become a crippling eBay slot machine addict waiting for a lot of techno tapes to emerge from the depths of one’s digital garage sale. They can show up and due to what I can only say is a lack of buyer imagination/desire to chase after these sounds, you can haul quite the lot for a 50 to 75 dollar bill if yr a smart cookie. You’ll end up with a lot of breadth, to say the least. Though what happens next is you end up hoarding tapes you forget to listen to (source: I got 30 of these I couldn’t even get myself to walk over and drop in the deck reading Raving over a couple dedicated sessions).

The second way is by making a wise move and studying the sonic roadmapping on Airdrop, the latest release from Low End Activist. The tape comes from Peak Oil, a vital dance LP oriented outpost, occasionally rearing its head towards the tape format when the time strikes (see 2022’s terrific euphoric sleight from Strategy). Brian Foote’s curation has always had an edge to it. After all he is a certified vet of a 90s midwest scene someone (other than Michaelangelo Matis) should write a book on. His work at Leech is tip-top in certain quips and hat-tips back to that time, but always quite of the current moment. It bounces back in the curation that chases after albums that both recall that time and place, while placing it distinctly in the now, crossed between full blown dance euphoria and full out electronic listening music. The 5am comedown of Strategy’s Unexplained Sky Burners; last year’s Purelink, a lost transmission from a dormant Black Dog Productions moniker that got trapped in the ether 25 years prior for being too ambient. Low End Activist meanwhile has come out with a smattering set of rave ghosts and pinpoints to happenings across England’s storied dance locales of the 90s. Another UR signal airdropped to yr aerials or the ferric.

It’s a nifty MO that gives Low End Activist real breadth and spine-chilling depth over the 41 minutes. The press release Foote sent indicates “the cuts take cues from key heroes of the “where were you in ‘92” set – Tango & DJ Ratty, Top Buzz, DJ SS, DJ Seduction, Dr. S Gachet – then fling them to the four corners”. Brief journeys to their discogs only made it abundantly clear how little of their sound was being imported to America via Profile or Sonic Records rave comps that have ended up in my bedroom. Would Low End Activist have fit snuggly on one of those comps of the era? Truthfully, he’d have stood in opposition there; perhaps finding a home somewhere snuggly on the Psycoustic Dillusion Conception 1. A killer 1993 comp from the UK that sees the continuum on the precipice of jungle but not quite ready to trade the airhorns for the bpms, the dub influence brimming all over.

Dub truly is the most important element to Low End Activist’s cuts on display. This is not paced like a set, but the dub process is stiff glue (I would reckon he’s got the Soul Jazz Box of Dub), precisely the thing that takes these cuts out of the past and into a 2024 deconstruction. These subtractions and echoes flows in and out without ever calling attention to itself. There’s a malleable feeling that results, the kind scratching an itch that doesn’t dissipate after you realize how well Airdrop nails its lockstep between 150 bpm mania and a softer, synthetic rave-psychosis. That kind of entanglement defines the C41 and its seamless directions to sprout from, enacting its own splatters of k-time. Every cut’s subtitle that indicates place in a way, sometimes the particular density of the room, the bpms, or some inbetween character of madness in the present trying to put yourself there. The title itself already implies a beam in.

The opening ten minutes, Waterstock and Yarnton Rd 2 Cassington, are reflections of space building in its ambient form. They leave in the synths, or a stray drum rhythm stay in; it’s close enough to feel the ghost or the pulse of the room, but at that eerie distance Strategy was catching on Fountain of Youth. Mayhem on Barton Hill brings out the ravier end of dub dimensions. There’s two types synths: dead-eye dubby synth strobes and even an airy footwork bridge, amongst layers of quixotic breakbeats and chase-laden vocal euphoria n’ airhorns skitters that leaves you shadowbox juking. Squeeze Your Lemon explores mix dynamics with vocals and a breakbeat cutting right in your face, but often hiding behind the fog of those airhorns or a radio-jammed vocal wub leaving you gobsmacked.

White Horse Hill is almost seamless transition, as much as a rhythm shift. Choppier on the dnb breaks to create a different syncopation. It tumbles down off that hill with another airy synth dive. Praha Hardcore is not entirely in jest, leaving a clear hardcore synth rhythm with meager percussive oomph and lotsa atmosphere. It’s just hefty bass bopping and weaving into a clear catalyst zone. Tango Skit is such the catalyst, itself the most rollicking, with an ample 150 BPM pleasure dome kickboxing to sprout. Hinksey Hardcore is a far more liquid outing than its Praha sibling, synths surfing under alien noise and machine clanking straight into a lost Rez boss battle. That trio leading up to the finale might be the true sleight of the tape, although I err towards the Cortina Outro as my favorite. After all, it is the most outright “dub rave”, laid back on its vocal sample imploring movement, yet ever building in its focused burst of intensity. It feels sinister and less an invitation to listen in than to truly get moving. That’s about all I’ve been capable of doing for the last 40 odd minutes, skittering into a rhythmic pulse.

Tape Sold Out at Peak Oil…check out distros and retailers.

Tabs Out | Episode 196

Episode 196


Universal Energy – Space Art Music comp (Perina Stereo)
Aaron Dilloway – Freak-Out Your Friends (Hanson)
Pig Destroyer – Prowler in the Yard (Relapse)
Shadow Dungeon – Pathways To​.​.​. The Primordial Blackness (Out of Season)
Omar Ahmad – Inheritance (AKP)
Arovane – Miniaturen (Puremagnetik)
Diurnal Burdens & Brandstifter – Merh Abstand (sPLeeNCoFFiN)
Tony DeNicola Band – s/t (self released)
Tom Dissonance – Delaware (Amoebic Industries)
KMET – Smrt Feudalizmu (Cosmic Brood / Kletva Crne Ruže)
Absolute Key – Edasi split (Maniac Mutant Music)

Tabs Out | David Nance – 2 Tapes: David Nance & Mowed Sound and Shameless Kiss

David Nance – 2 Tapes: David Nance and Mowed Sound & Shameless Kiss

2.28.24 by Zach Mitchell

I love an artist with a confusing discography. There is no joy quite like listening to an album from a new-to-me band, opening up Discogs, and being confronted with a litany of tapes, 7”s, and deleted Bandcamp entries. The ephemera ends up telling a story of merch tables and order pages of yore – tales of ultra prolific artists who understand their way around a Tascam machine or Garageband. David Nance follows in the path of Yo La Tengo and Lou Barlow on his way to creating a confusing, wonderful legacy.

In the last three months, Nance has released David Nance & Mowed Sound, a full fledged studio album on Third Man Records featuring his live band, and Shameless Kiss, a Bandcamp only cassette release on Western Records. Shameless Kiss is a full album cover of The Cure’s classic Disintegration that replaces the synthesized strings and glorious moping with homespun banjo. Western Records, as best I can tell, is Nance’s label for releasing almost exclusively short run tapes. He’s covered albums like Beatles For Sale and Goat’s Head Soup in his signature style and released them alongside stray live albums. Previous studio albums, both under his name and under the band name David Nance Group (somehow different from David Nance & Mowed Sound), have been released on labels like Trouble In Mind and Petty Bunco. And all of that is before you start getting into the self released cassettes and the 7”s. 

That’s all well and good, but what does this motherfucker actually sound like? It’s a hard question to answer. There are multiple Davids – Neil Young-esque guitar shredder David, campfire folkie David, hunkered down chooglin’ and groovin’ David, cassette deck master David, etc. David Nance and Mowed Sound mostly stays within the folkin’ and chooglin’ vein with high end indie label production. It’s a bit more restrained than his previous studio albums, focusing more on the quiet moments in between the storms of guitar than his previous works.

A sizable chunk of the songs on David Nance and Mowed Sound have shown up previously in his discography. My favorite song on the album, and the one that’s gone through the most drastic transformation, is “Credit Line.” This version, labeled “Variant 5” (though I can only find two other studio versions of the song) gets transformed from a Flying Nun style lo-fi jangle rocker (Pulverized and Slightly Peaced) and a humid psych-folk tune (Meanwhile, his 7” debut for Third Man Records) to subdued boogie with sinewy guitar leads running throughout. “Cure vs Disease” gets a facelift from a murky psych excursion (Basket Music w/Gun Outfit, a release I did not know existed until writing this) and a noisy folk jam (September 20, 2020, maybe my favorite David Nance release) to a 70s slide guitar head nodder. The idea of Nance as a folk rocker troubadour is not a new one in his discography, but sounding this hi-fi definitely is. It’s his highest profile album to date, so why not go big instead of going home?

Instead of presenting every side of Nance at once, David Nance & Mowed Sound selects a smattering of would-be greatest hits, gussies them up, and presents them alongside a handful of new tracks that tie them together. The idea here is clearly to introduce new fans to his work, but is this the place I’d suggest someone start with Nance? Honestly, no. The shaggy dog Crazy Horse style jamming on Peaced and Slightly Pulverised might be more advisable, but then again you would completely miss out on the softer spoken impulses that this album is pulling from. Maybe there isn’t a great place to start. This record has great songs – dig the harmonies on the opening stomper “Mock the Hours” and the infections, simmering, ouroboros groove on “Cut It Off” – but there’s a bit more restraint here than I’d like. I’m hearing ripping solos and soaring vocals (probably from my own familiarity with Nance as a live act) that just aren’t here. I like the album, but I’m left wanting a little more. Nance’s strengths lie in his ability to be a choose-your-own-adventure artist. My adventure lies elsewhere.

Shameless Kiss is one of Nance’s most exciting releases and his best covers album to date. Nance is absolutely fearless when playing fast and loose with one of the most seminal rock albums of all time and the high risk pays high rewards. Whether it’s replacing the toms in “Closedown” with the driving drums of “Out of Step” or turning “Lullaby” into the depressing alt-country classic “Dinner,” Nance isn’t afraid to reconfigure the established canon into something new. Nance teases some new wave out of “Disintegration” on “Shameless Kiss” by upping the tempo and accentuating the chiming guitars. The familiar becomes new again. Sonically, this is the mode in which I enjoy Nance the most – half obscured by fuzz, losing himself in a riff, and calling back to something you think you might’ve heard once or twice somewhere distant.

It’s tough to review Shameless Kiss without just gushing about Disintegration, but if you’ve ever wondered what a midwestern Robert Smith would sound like, you have your answer. Your opinion on this album may depend on how repulsive that idea is to you. Disintegration is instantly recognizable not just from Smith’s yowl, but from the distinctive reverb soaking every track. It’s an album that completely drowns in its own melodrama. Nance makes the bold choice of replacing it completely with tape hiss, substituting Smith’s widescreen sadness with a stark loneliness. The result not only makes it a great The Cure covers album, but a piece that stands alone in Nance’s vast discography.

I may prefer Shameless Kiss to David Nance & Mowed sound, but this is one of the best parts about being a David Nance fan, or really any artist with a discography full of rapid left turns. If I’m not in tune with the folk rock on David Nance & Mowed Sound, I can dive back deeper into the well and come back with a low fidelity version of a classic. I can appreciate the clean cut big ticket indie label version of Nance while still hoarding my scuzzy tapes. Maybe the campfire-come-to-life sound on Staunch Honey will connect with me more. Or maybe I’ll dig into the blown out rock and roll with Negative Boogie. All of these disparate pieces add up to one of the most compelling artists in America today. David Nance & Mowed Sound  and Shameless Kiss are just two pieces of an ever evolving puzzle.

Tapes sold out at Third Man & David Nance personal source!

Tabs Out | Episode 195

Episode 195


Ryan Richard & Erol Ulug – MKULTRA Volume 1 (Ephem Aural)
Nate Scheible – Or Valleys And (Outside Time)
Slum Lord – Rolling Brownout (No Rent)
Brume – No Zen Machine (No Rent)
Glitter in the Dark – Twistvisions Container 2 for Vast Grimm (Infinite Black)
Matthias Puech – Synthetic Bird Music compilation (Mappa)
When the Coyote Eats the Rat – Desert Moon of Karth OST (Fantasy Audio Magazine)
Deionarra – Candle 3 compilation (Fantasy Audio Magazine)
MJ Guider – Youth and Beauty (Modemain)
Donjo – Do You Remember (self released)

Tabs Out | Phil Geraldi – AM/FM USA

Phil Geraldi – AM/FM USA

1.05.24 by Matty McPherson

The designed in France (made in China) We Are Rewind cassette player is the object Santa and his merry elves imagined I would need most in 2024. For the record, I used to use a Walkman WX-197, then swapped to an early 90s SX-F39. I quite fancy those late 80s/early 90s Sony models (especially sports) on account of the auto reverse, radio, and timer features. Terrific situational value, especially the radio on account of the static-laden presets you can find solace in.

I suppose though, that We Are Rewind believe that a 2020s portable cassette player should sacrifice those elements in lieu of one boxy-ass rectangle designed to elicit nostalgia with the charging battery potency of a 2012 iPod touch. The single side tape head is clean though, and it can record a mixtape (not that it has the microphone necessary for bootleg live performances). It would be a tremendous paperweight if not for its lone saving grace: connection to bluetooth headphones/speakers. Wow! Now I can listen to analog golden age classic Paid in Full on the shitty speaker Cox Communications sent my family to appease us for not cutting the chord! I will contend, it can be revelatory to take insular listening habits and move them towards bluetooth connection.

Such was the case on New Year’s Day, boozed up after a couple $5 pints and fiddling with the bluetooth, lamenting that lack of radio transmission. When suddenly, San Diego-based cadaver and “iterant journeyman” Phil Geraldi came through the speaker with a well-timed, well strung out answer to my wish; static and washed out pedal steel with the cadence of channel hopping on my dead walkman. AM/FM USA is one of the few tapes dropping from the ever-omnivorous Not Not Fun label’s 1/5/24 batch, and is an immediate standout, potentially even an epiphany. To call it a “cassette’s cassette” would be meaningless, but Geraldi is at one of the most intriguing crossroads of underground American sounds and tape fidelity I’ve genuinely heard writing about tapes for 42 odd months here. He’s made tapes for the format dating back to 2009, but this is really top shelf ferric.

AM/FM USA is a two-piece longform tape of “radio static, pedal steel, crickets, and great plains haze, the music moves between lost highway melancholia and truck stop concrète”. I was quite thrilled by that last term and what it seemed to imply, especially when the Wire took time with Geraldi for their Dec/Jan double issue to really go in the weeds about what makes someone come up with that lil’ turn of phrase. It’s rare that I hear about a San Diego (transplant) artist making sound quite like this. And Geraldi, a mixed-media artist, has been around in a storied capacity of his own way supplanting off of odd jobs, the open highway, and noise; sometimes all in the same mode that AM/FM USA takes to lucidly.  There’s a consistent melody or rhythm, ever droning in and out of range. Both pieces slide, never not foregoing omnipresent feeling of right now, as a result of the wavy gliding tactic and serendipitous shifts.

An idea for this release seems to date back a decade plus or more back during his time as the cathode noise project Mystics in Bali, coordinating shows at the Arcata Mex N’ Wow. A 2014 interview, one of the rare communiques from the illusive Geraldi, discussed a project entitled “Radio America”. The project was visual as well, quite industrial and terror driven while “using only AM/FM radios as source instruments,” that Geraldi resonated with. He cited “the inherent right-now feeling which grounds it as moldable source material in an interesting way, and attaches to it an odd feeling of social comfort,” planning to “bend it [that distinct social comfort] into a meditative, minimized version of itself.” Geraldi website, filled with a decade’s worth of art videos, surveillance portraits, and other ephemera, is invoked through the way the AM / FM USA can suddenly tip into those bleak zones. It’s the truck stop concrète in action.

I’ve heard other radio tapes from folks like Bridgette Bardon’t & Lia Kohl, but none havever given me the immediacy that I had on my first listen; from fiddling with a bluetooth speaker as if it was a radio tuner, itself granting a parallel, if not uncanny feeling. Although, AM/FM USA is bolder and more encompassing in the feeling Geraldi harnesses from the static and dead air atmosphere, perhaps the most pervasive work I’ve seen giving tape-label americana music a proper link to Hank & Slim. Yes, there is quite a bit of pedal steel that absolutely aches. The whole thing has a cohesive, lo-fi veneer that repeatedly crests and yearns for the highway while also acknowledging exactly what it feels like. The space of suspense radio static, as much as the invocation of the truck stop/gas station can be, if only for a glimpse; a universal happening of USA highway culture. So much of the tape itself is washed out in that static it sounds like tires on asphalt, creating waves of endless terrain to lumber through until its pure heartland anywhere at any time at all; melancholia trying to fade away in the advert for this year’s truck model. Perpetually sepia toned, in peripheral blur. A trance odyssey for certain, in how it begs to ponder time not as an imagined past or a destination to get to, but that inherent right here, right now.

I suppose we could stop here, but I suppose this tape has me worked up because of excursion in music from last year. In the realm of “2023 advancements in identifying and codifying” music, ‘ambient americana’ became something of a vague buzzword and area of forensic analysis many folks I talk shop with online were attuned to. I was a bit surprised, mostly because like with ‘ambient jazz’ about two years prior, there had seemed to be a strange lack of immediate music forum/rym discussion regarding genre forefathers (Windham Hill & ECM) and current tape scene players (Full Spectrum, Astral Editions, Island House,  Patient Sounds, Cached, Moon Glyph, amongst basically every German Army & Peter Kris release known to man, et al) have been dabbling in. I’ve asked folks about their feelings on this term and they both are at similar points: this is a long, ongoing conversation that they are just merely taking part of, and to codify what they (amongst any other artists really here) are doing as a scene mistakes the trees for the forest—especially when field recordings, haptics, and a personal imagining of a space (and the emotions you take from it) feel so much more tantamount to what this realm of music can come to champion.

And it’s extremely easy to as soon as you find yourself playing the umpteenth ambient pedal steel recording, to want to bludgeon yourself with the tape deck or speaker box. Codification and typecasting to that realm of these works doesn’t continue this conversation that’s been quite lively already over the past 4 decades; the one attuned to “sonic roadmapping” that anything from dub techno to flickered out Americana can tap into. Geraldi’s AM/FM USA is able to get there, often by not pushing pedal steel to the foreground, just letting the static become desire lines that spread out across the big sky voids lends. It feels like a real eureka for what sounds labeled somewhere between ambient X Americana could be striving for; melancholia trying to let go in the radio bump for this year’s truck model.

Edition of 50 Sold Out at Not Not Fun; Check Their Midhaven Distro or Discogs