6.15.13: A Chitchat with Derek Rogers + Stream An Unreleased Track

Derek talks about collaborating, Tilda Swinton, and tells a bad joke or two in what he didn’t know right away was even an interview. You can also stream an unreleased Derek Rogers & R. Lee Dockery jam. [Check It Out]

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6.1.13: 2013 Mid-Year Label Roundup + Sampler

There are a bunch of amazing cassette labels right now, so we thought we’d take this half-way point of 2013 to talk about nine of our favorites. There’s also a sampler of some of their recent and forthcoming offerings. [Check It Out]

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5.16.13: Cassette Entertainment Systems

Auris Apothecary released NES soundtracks on cassettes because they are obviously geniuses. We had a few words to say about it and want to know what other soundtracks you’d like to see released. [Check It Out]