Tabs Out | New Batch – Dinzu Artefacts

New Batch – Dinzu Artefacts
5.17.18 by Gray Lee

Dinzu Artefacts brings us three unique releases that are spiritually intertwined, filled with thoughtful, delicately constructed soundscapes and telekinetic movement.


Billy Gomberg – Beginners
A sonic playground of organic tactile sensations. Eerie air moves through hollow tunnels filled with unusual fragments of forgotten lives. Quiet inspections of abandoned possessions take place in shadowed dusty alcoves. Unseen breezes sway aluminum sculptures in filtered sunlight. Is this recording for beginners, who are just starting to explore a hidden world? Explore that world yourself, and you may begin to know.

Riccardo Bandi – Shores
This recording is in progress as you listen to it. It is scanning you, listening to you through your speakers. It is echoing the mechanical thoughts that govern your movements, your habits. You are listening to your own footsteps, but you are inside the footsteps. The landscapes Riccardo Bandi is painting are on peeling plaster walls within the labyrinthine passages of the soul. There, on the shores of a dark ocean of consciousness, silent, inescapable dreams are born.

NUM – Memory Machine
Metal spires designed by ancient, otherworldly hands contain the lost knowledge, the first magic. They jut from the undisturbed earth beneath canopies of silent trees, in a sacred, unknowable place. Daylight brings deep shadow, while night brings the cool winds, and everything emits a faint, glowing essence.

Grab them alone, or all together for a May Batch Nice Price.