Tabs Out | Episode #169

Credo in Deum – Eschatology comp (No Part Of It)
Sharkula x Mukqs – Take Caution on the Beach (Hausu Mountain)
Angry Blackmen & Khaki Blazer – Arc Mountain comp (Deathbomb Arc/Hausu Mountain)
Tunnel Speeches – s/t (Specious)
Night Foundation – Let There Be Light (Flophouse)
Julie Hill – s/t (Galtta Media)
Linda Smith – Untitled (Almost Halloween Time)
DJ Headboggle – split w/ Bran(…)Pos (Rubber City Noise)
Newagehillbilly – Last Call (Tarnished Tapes)
Marsha Fisher – split w/ Matthew Crowe (Orb Tapes)
Supreme Joy – Joy (self released)
Powl Dune – Pattern from Town Beach (self released)
Moth Bucket – split w/ Women of the Pore (FTAM Productions)
Delaware Dan – Marketing Jingles, Vol. II (KSP Tapes)