Tabs Out | The Electric Nature – Old World Die Must

The Electric Nature – Old World Die Must

4.21.23 by Ryan Masteller

It had to happen at some point. We couldn’t stave off the inevitable forever, no matter how much – or how little – we tried. And it truly was “how little,” because no one was holding back the Electric Nature but the Electric Nature themselves. And they weren’t even holding themselves back – they were essentially just out there, waiting to carve out some time for themselves to hop in a room together with some recording equipment and lay down some sweet, sweet tracks. Which they eventually did. So – good news, in the end, there’s a new Electric Nature tape (and – gasp! – LP edition on Feeding Tube) for us to gobble and barely chew before swallowing and digesting and disseminating throughout our bloodstream and body in a euphoric rush. Because that’s the effect “Old World Die Must” has on the human person – it goes in fast and intense and results in a massive rush.

You’ve seen it happen, because you’ve seen it in person – the Electric Nature just ripped through a tour for this sucker, so it’s road-tested. Battle-tested, even. Michael Pierce, Michael Potter, and Thom Strickland are the grizzled vets returning from duty, their crushing freak-jazz/earth-scorching noisebient a PTSD-inducing cacophony … or mind-freeing antidote to primitive and insular thinking everywhere. Jeff Tobias (yes, the Sunwatchers/of Montreal/Circulatory System among others guy) plays sax on “Enter Chapel Perilous.” John Kiran Fernandes (yes, the Olivia Tremor Control/Circulatory System among others guy) plays clarinet and violin on “Old World Die Must.” Each side is a wildly different vibe, but there’s a gravity-defying, atmosphere-piercing rocket ready to rip the face right off the sky for fifteen to twenty minutes or so, uniting the two sides in a clear attempt to freak out every square in sight. And there are a million of them, so it’s imperative we get this piping through every loudspeaker in every city before anybody realizes what’s going on.

It’s the Electric Nature! That’s what’s going on. 

And they’re back, baby.

Cassette edition of only 100 from \\NULL|Z0NE//.