Tabs Out Cassette Podcast | Soundtrack For A Non-Existing Medical Film

Soundtrack For A Non-Existing Medical Film
3.9.14 by Mike Haley


Every wonder what it would sound like if the pink slime from Ghostbuster 2 got into musique concrète? No? You’ve NEVER wondered that? Not even in the wake of Harold Ramis’ death?! Okay, I suppose some of us just have more respect for the dead than others. Either way, it seems like you’ll get a good taste of what that may have sounded like from this upcoming collaboration on Jehu And Chinaman. Due out March 17th on J&C is a cassette by Tanner Garza and Pharmakustik called “Pleuraraum”. Garza, a member of Black Leather Jesus, released a killer collection of tape loops called “Lucid” not that long ago. You can read some of my thoughts about it on Ad Hoc. Siegmar Fricke, aka Pharmakustik, has been manipulating sound since the early 80’s in solo form and collabs with Maurizio Bianchi and others. Garza hooked up Fricke with some of his unreleased loops. From there Fricke “tried to realize a mix of constantly morphing sound-events within the microscopic ambiance” creating what he refers to as “a kind of soundtrack for a non-existing medical film”. Judging by the lurching, sopping sample (below) I think that goal was achieved.


Find out a bit about both artists, and this project, in the Jehu And Chinaman Artist Interview Series after scoping a video preview of the tape here: